Their recent bickering with the Tatas (telling them that it was insufficient security by the Taj that caused this) has shown how responsible they are. How can you expect a hotel to protect itself when the government could not protect it or the rest of the city. How could 10, 20 or a 1000 more CCTVs in the Taj have helped anyone other than the news media covering it. CCTVs can be shot at. For all you know, the terrorists would have taken control of the monitoring room and run amok.
But all of this is not the reason I call the motion of no confidence in the Congress government (both at the state level and at the Center). My grouse is against the statement by AR Antulay and the reaction of the Congress party to it. A dozen terrorists come into the country, carry out the most ghastly terrorist attacks ever and target and kill some our top police officials. At this time, a minister in the Government (without checking out the facts or talking to the Home minister or prime minister) makes a statement in the press questioning if Hindus fundamentalists were behind the murder of Hemant Karkare?
Dear Mr. Antulay, lets check some facts. You seem not to be concerned with them but here is what was reported in the Indian express well before you made your statements.
According to the constable with them that night, Saluskar, Kamte and Karkare were going to Cama hospita because they heard that a fellow policeman was hurt there. Now, you being a politician would probably have run away form the spot where a fellow politician was injured and, therefore, find it surprising that our brave policemen went in that direction.
You have questioned, Mr. Antulay, who sent Mr. Karkare to Cama hospital and whether he was sent there by the RSS/BJP/any of their organizations. Well, it may be news to you dear sir, but it is your own party which is ruling, both in Maharashtra AND at the center. Who else could have commanded him to go there. Do you think our police officers are stupid, as you want us to believe, to go somewhere based on random phone calls.
At a time when we expect our politicians to bring the nation together, this statement is not just divisive but a betrayal to the nation that has given you so much. The reaction of the Congress party to this treason was not a vehement rebuttal but support ("what is wrong with his statement" - Digvijay Singh and "to err is human" - Manmohan Singh). Why is the Congress doing this? The same old to vote bank politics. Trying to seem pro-Muslim. Well, dear Grand Old party of the Indian polity, its time you woke up. Apart from the few fundamentalist Islamic leaders that have sided with you, I am sure that all our Muslim brethren see through this divisive plot.
The time has come for India to uproot the Congress. Rise my countrymen, brothers and sisters; Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs and Christians, let us show the Congress the door to reform. They have sold our country. Lets kick them out and regain it.
Dear Mr. Antulay, lets check some facts. You seem not to be concerned with them but here is what was reported in the Indian express well before you made your statements.
According to the constable with them that night, Saluskar, Kamte and Karkare were going to Cama hospita because they heard that a fellow policeman was hurt there. Now, you being a politician would probably have run away form the spot where a fellow politician was injured and, therefore, find it surprising that our brave policemen went in that direction.
You have questioned, Mr. Antulay, who sent Mr. Karkare to Cama hospital and whether he was sent there by the RSS/BJP/any of their organizations. Well, it may be news to you dear sir, but it is your own party which is ruling, both in Maharashtra AND at the center. Who else could have commanded him to go there. Do you think our police officers are stupid, as you want us to believe, to go somewhere based on random phone calls.
At a time when we expect our politicians to bring the nation together, this statement is not just divisive but a betrayal to the nation that has given you so much. The reaction of the Congress party to this treason was not a vehement rebuttal but support ("what is wrong with his statement" - Digvijay Singh and "to err is human" - Manmohan Singh). Why is the Congress doing this? The same old to vote bank politics. Trying to seem pro-Muslim. Well, dear Grand Old party of the Indian polity, its time you woke up. Apart from the few fundamentalist Islamic leaders that have sided with you, I am sure that all our Muslim brethren see through this divisive plot.
The time has come for India to uproot the Congress. Rise my countrymen, brothers and sisters; Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs and Christians, let us show the Congress the door to reform. They have sold our country. Lets kick them out and regain it.
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