Friday, March 31, 2006

A new beginning to a new year (Hindu new year). Good results. That felt so good. But then again, new year same old me. I forgot my wallet and phone at home ;) . Also, could not get the deal on the car i wanted. So i guess all three perspectives of life, the positive, the same old day and negative all a signal for the new year. And as I write this I remember that I forgot to eat soething bitter to start off this new year. The bitter is to prepare you to face all difficult situations for the year. Maybe, I should have had that cuppa cappuccino after all.
What a beautiful morning today was. I could smell the moisture in the air, i could feel it in the wind. The temperature was a perfect 21. It was the best weather I could have hoped for in Mumbai and i got it here. Life looks so rosy again.