Saturday, January 31, 2009

In the age of the donkey...

In the age of the donkey, the horse trainer is ahead of his time - Shriram Paranjpe

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A warm blooded squirrel

You don't expect a squirrel wandering around in the park in the middle of winter when it is -35C outsite. Which is why I was surprised when I saw this sight last Friday while going for lunch.

I guess the recession is hitting squirrels hard too.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Earth shattering event foreboded

There is something going on deep down in our mother Earth. There have been numerous earthquakes in varied places from Indonesia, Afghanistan, Costa Rica, California, Yellowstone national park (USA) and New Zealand. Many of these have been close to 6 or more on the Richter scale (except Yellowstone which had many small quakes). This is a sign of a major event coming up. Geologists need to look at the signs and try and find out what, where and when the event is. Lets not be caught napping and say we never saw this coming.

The weather is confused

I think the weather has lost its marbles.........or atleast its GPS. I was looking at the temperature in Anchorage, Alaska and it is 1 C out there!!!!!!!! And for the whole week, Alaska is going to be warmer than Indiana!

God save the world coz man does not seem to care.

Sunday, January 04, 2009

One man's poison......

Schools in Delhi will be closed till Tuesday to protect kids from the severe cold weather. The temperature in Delhi - 8 degrees celcius. Brrrrr? Thats heaven for me in the winters. Give me that temperature (in West Lafayette) all winter and I will give you the moon.

PS: Well I do agree that in the absence well enclosed buildings and a heating system similar to Western nations, the cold is a big pain in India...........still my statement stands.................their poison is my nectar