Thursday, July 30, 2009

Exciting Indiana - A tourist promotion

I picked up my father in law from Chicago airport yesterday. After a long journey, he was making a valiant attempt to stay awake since he was sitting next to the driver (me). Every time he woke up, I enthusiastically acted as the tour guide and told him that there were corn fields on the left and soy farms on the right (or something to that effect). He would promptly fall asleep again.

Exciting Indiana!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Books borrowed from the library remain stationary unless you graduate

Editor's note: This is a series entitled "Shriram Paranjpe's Ph.D. hypotheses series". The experiments documented through this series have reportedly been referred to as "lacking scientific merit". However, in a bold move, this blog has decided to print them. We believe ourselves to be visionaries who will be feted by future generations. Unfortunately, we will not get the pleasure of being acknowledged by our own. Your comments on this specific article or the whole series will be greatly appreciated.

Previous research has suggested that books borrowed from the library have a habbit of disappearing. However, most of these studies have been carried out with limited subjects and have been short term studies. This work was aimed at studying the topic in depth over a long time.

Materials and Methods:
Books were borrowed from Purdue Libraries over 4 years. Some books were returned during the course of the 4 years but a majority of the books (41) were returned at the end of the trial period. The positioning, motion and presence of the books was studied when they were procured and when they had to be returned without any check on the time in between. The procurement of the books was randomized (ie different types of books were borrowed from different libraries on campus). Books were stored at three different locations (home, office, lab) to ensure repeatability of the trials.

Results and Discussion:
All 41 books that had been kept for the entire study were found to be in their original places. This finding debunked the earlier reported theory (Murphy et. al. 1982) that stuff disappears and is not found when you need to return in prior to graduation. It also agrees with previous results on stationary bodies (Newton 1693) which find that they remain at rest unless acted upon by an external force (in this case, graduation)

Books borrowed from the library remain stationary unless you graduate

The authors would like to thank the Purdue University Libraries for their help in loaning out the books over long periods of time and allowing one touch online renewal.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Thank you all

Before, I begin my PhD hypotheses series, I would like to thank all of you for your support during my PhD either personally or by reading and commenting on this blog. I would like to begin the series as any dissertation begins - With my Acknowledgements


Four years of madness

Four years of studies

Could it be done without you?

Heck no! Puhleez!

This is to my guru, he who guided me

Gave me the freedom and asked questions when need be

For all of this and the wisdom that you bestowed on me

Dear Dr. Morgan, I thank ye

For questioning, guiding, encouraging

And hopefully passing me

I would like to thank you

Drs. Narsimhan, Corvalan and Ferruzzi

Forever helpful, always resourceful

Thank you for your help Benjamin Paxson

I thank Steve Smith for the pilot plant he runs

I have borrowed from it often, thanks for not coming behind me with a gun

For devoting your time and expertise to me

I wish to thank thee

Amy, Ben, Mandar, Deepak, Cynthia, Nirupama

Kingsley, Vaishnavi, Dhananjay and Madhuvanti

In the past four years

In FS I would roam

Its faculty staff, students, I thank you

For making me feel at home

All work and no play

Would have made Shriram a dull boy

My roommates and friends at Purdue and beyond

I thank you for providing the joy

The love of my life, my darling wife

A supportive friend, my guiding light

Thanks for always showing me Tejaswini

That the end of the tunnel was in sight

My parents, my sisters

As the youngest of the three

I thank you from the bottom of my heart

For always being there for me

Monday, July 27, 2009

The blog returns

Hey guys,

Dr. Shriram Paranjpe’s blog is back here. We apologize for the break in between but we spent it well. The blog has been updated from Shriram Paranjpe's blog to Dr. Shriram Paranjpe's blog. The past couple of months were spent on giving the finishing touches to the upgrade (dissertaton writing, defending etc).

Version Dr.0 of this blog will begin with some parts of my work that could not be included in my dissertation, supposedly due to "lack of scientific merit" to them. However, in the interest of furthering science, the next few blogs will carry what I call "My PhD hypotheses series" after which Yashwantrao Gele Americela will return.