Monday, July 27, 2009

The blog returns

Hey guys,

Dr. Shriram Paranjpe’s blog is back here. We apologize for the break in between but we spent it well. The blog has been updated from Shriram Paranjpe's blog to Dr. Shriram Paranjpe's blog. The past couple of months were spent on giving the finishing touches to the upgrade (dissertaton writing, defending etc).

Version Dr.0 of this blog will begin with some parts of my work that could not be included in my dissertation, supposedly due to "lack of scientific merit" to them. However, in the interest of furthering science, the next few blogs will carry what I call "My PhD hypotheses series" after which Yashwantrao Gele Americela will return.


Unknown said...

Congrats Shriram!

Looking forward to new posts as well as the Yashwantrao series :-)


Shriram Paranjpe said...

Thanks Gayatri....the posts are coming :)