Tuesday, May 25, 2021

What a difference two weeks makes

 Nature.......ah-mazing, nature, how you wonder and delight at the most unexpected of times! While 9:30 at night after a 2 day car journey is the perfect time to do so, doubling down the next morning is even better. 

We recently returned from a couple of weeks away from Maryland to an unexpectedly amazing sensorial experience - as expected, there was a new sound ie the chirping of cicadas but in addition to that we got a wonderful aroma from our blooming snowbell trees and the sight of blooming roses and catmint. This experience melted away our weariness from 17 hours of driving over 2 days.

We woke up the next morning to this lawn.

We explored further to find a completely changed landscape to the one we had left behind only a couple weeks ago with blooming flowers, lots of fresh leafy veggies and cicadas aplenty.......and yes, the lawn looking like a wheat farm.

What a difference a couple of weeks makes!


Unknown said...

This is amazing , awesome , awestrucking____ The Nature ___ most wondeful

Unknown said...

Nature at its best !